Avoid Summer Sickness

In the summer, the weather is perfect for outdoor activities, vacations, and hanging out with friends. It is warm outside, and school is out for a few months, making it the perfect time to explore outside. With the extreme heat outside, the summer can also bring heat exhaustion and dehydration. It is essential to be aware of these risks and take precautions to avoid them while building immune support.

One of the best things you can do for your body in the summer is to support your immune system. Many people focus on this in the winter but push it to the side in the summer. It is equally as important to support your immune system in the summer as it is the winter. 

Our immune system can weaken when exposed to extreme heat and humidity, leaving us susceptible to invaders that make us feel under the weather. You can do a few things to support your immune system and avoid feeling down this summer.

1) Stay hydrated-Drinking plenty of fluids is essential for overall health, but it is even more critical in the summer when we are at risk of dehydration. Be sure to drink water throughout the day, even if you are not thirsty.

2) Eat a Healthy Diet-A balanced diet is vital for maintaining a robust immune system. When our bodies are run down and lacking nutrients, we are more likely to feel down. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

3) Get enough sleep-Sleep is crucial for our bodies to repair and regenerate. When we do not get enough sleep, we are more likely to feel under the weather. Ensure you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

4) Avoid stress-Stress can harm our immune system. If you are feeling stressed, try to relax by doing some deep breathing exercises or yoga.

5) Take supplements-A daily vitamin and mineral supplement can help ensure your body gets all the nutrients needed to stay healthy. Results RNA’s immune support products can help cleanse the body of damaging toxins, boost the immune system, and replenish vital nutrients. They are the perfect addition to your health regimen this summer.

Support Your Immune System with ACS 200 Silver

ACS 200 Silver is an immune boosting formula recommended by doctors worldwide. Advanced Cellular Silver provides 200 parts per million uniquely energized silver molecules, enabling rapid absorption, exceptional immune support and profound cellular regeneration. 

ACS 200 supercharges the body to maintain peak immune response, boost natural killer cells and promote increased macrophage, T-cell, and natural killer cell activity. Additionally, Silver has been shown to suppress production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and plays a key role in maintaining optimal immune function. 

Try it this summer and support your immune system all year long!

For more information, please visit resultsrna.com.

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