Bundle Up and Stock Up on Sprayable Supplements

Bundle Up and Stock Up on Sprayable Supplements

As winter weather approaches, the risk of pathogens attacking a weak immune system increases. According to Medical News Today, exposure to cold temperatures is known to impact the body’s immune system negatively. This makes detoxification very important.

To combat this risk, it is vital that health-conscious people do more than just break out their jackets, scarves, and mittens. These external measures will help, but you must prepare your body internally, as well, by bolstering the immune system with proper supplementation.

Detoxify and Boost the Immune System

Many people rely on ingredients such as vitamin C, zinc, and elderberry to boost their immune system. While these can be fantastic immune boosters, it isn’t enough. In order to truly unburden the immune system, one must detoxify and rid the body of unwanted waste.

Detoxification is an essential step in promoting overall health, according to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, who stated, “toxicity is the ground floor upon which all illness grows.”

Results RNA formulas use a three-prong strategy to help you live your best life. First, they help remove toxins that inhibit your health via detoxification, then they provide your body with the nutrients it needs to build back stronger, and lastly, they give your immune system the boost it needs to fight back the winter threats.

Results RNA formulas are far more effective than standard supplements. Our customized, targeted blends are designed to encourage detoxification, strengthen your immune system, and restore the essential nutrients which your body needs.

Do I really need to detoxify?

During the winter season, harsh weather conditions and a changing environment can take its toll on your body. Plus, eliminating the dangerous toxins we encounter during our modern lives is more important than ever. If you find yourself feeling unwell, it may be due to a weak immune system and built up toxicity!

According to Nutri Advanced, on any given day, we encounter a host of toxins from a wide range of sources such as benzene from petrol fumes, BPA from plastic packaging, parabens and phthalates from cosmetics, mercury from oceanic products, growth hormones from meat products, pesticides, and countless others. These toxins can build up and damage your liver, enzymes, hormones, and immune system. This explains why it is vital that detoxification should become a priority for all health-conscious individuals.

Ultimate Immune Support System

The Ultimate Immune Support System helps you achieve total body detoxification, boost the immune system, reduce oxidative stress, and plays a crucial role in neurological and cellular regeneration.

The Ultimate Immune Support System includes ACS 200 Silver, ACZ Nano Zeolite, ACG Glutathione, and ACN Neuro.

Studies show that ACS 200 Silver may increase white blood cells, which are a tremendous help to strengthening the immune system. Additionally, these formulas work synergistically to remove toxins and restore vital nutrients.

Learn more about the Ultimate Immune Support System.

Strengthen your body with Results RNA formulas, and make this winter your healthiest yet. It’s time to bundle up and stock up on sprayable supplements!


  • [1] MediLexicon International. (n.d.). Does cold weather make you sick: What’s the link? Medical News Today. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323431.
  • [2] Detoxification. National Integrated Health Associates. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://www.nihadc.com/health-programs/detoxification.html.
  • [3] Common sources of toxins & 10 ways they cause disease. Nutri Advanced. (2018, January 16). Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://www.nutriadvanced.co.uk/news/common-sources-of-toxins-10-ways-they-cause-disease/.

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