Detoxing During the Holidays

Detoxing During the Holidays

The holiday season is traditionally a time for overindulgence. It is common to eat too much food (that is richer than we usually consume), and generally drink too much alcohol. This can leave people feeling sluggish and bloated when the New Year comes around. So how can this be counteracted? Detoxification!


The lethargic feeling you get after overindulgence results from toxins building up throughout the body. While your liver is very good at removing toxins, it can only do so much.

Therefore, detoxification is even more essential over the holiday period. There are several ways of helping your body to achieve this. Some of these are:

  • After you’ve had that huge Christmas dinner, cheese board, or dessert platter, try taking a walk. This will get your metabolism running faster, burning off extra calories and helping you to sweat and therefore, remove toxins from your system.
  • Take a break. After a day of overindulgence, help your body detoxify by having a day of lighter eating. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables and maybe cut out processed foods for that day. Processed foods are filled with toxins that burden the body.
  • Keep hydrated. Too much alcohol will cause your body to become dehydrated, and this will cause more toxins to build up in your tissues. Take in some water between alcoholic drinks and consider avoiding it altogether. Water helps the body to escort and flush toxins out.

In addition to these, you should also take supplements to help your body properly address and remove toxins.

Supplements for Detoxification

Many supplements on the market claim to help you detox, with varying results, that are often ineffective or temporary. Results RNA, however, has come up with unique formulas utilizing Advanced Cellular technology that is far more effective than traditional supplements.

Instead of pills or tablets, these supplements come in the form of a liquid-based Intra-oral spray, which your body can absorb more effectively. As well as true detoxification, these sprays offer other benefits, such as boosting the immune system and replenishing vital nutrients.

Remember, when overindulging during the holidays, there are steps that you can take to prevent the season from having too much of a negative impact on your health.

Learn more about how our formulas can impact your health.


  • https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/liver-anatomy-and-functions
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/does-alcohol-dehydrate-you#:~:text=Yes%2C%20alcohol%20can%20dehydrate%20you,you%20can%20become%20dehydrated%20quickly

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