Does Self Confidence Affect Your Health?

Does Self Confidence Affect Your Health?

Health should be one of our top priorities, and the most obvious ways of maintaining wellness and immune support, like diet and exercise, are essential. However, there are so many factors that many do not even realize that contribute to overall wellbeing, such as self-confidence.

Self-confidence is scientifically proven to make people healthier and boost immune support. Here are just a few benefits:

Live Longer

Emotions have the power to control our lifespans. Unsurprisingly, positive emotions have a favorable impact, while negative emotions usher in detrimental effects. Confident people are better at fending off infectious diseases, as they possess the ability to generate proper immune support. If you want a long life, strive for self-confidence, as evidence has shown those with higher self-confidence reach higher ages.

Live Stronger

In addition to physical benefits, boosting self-esteem can also provide emotional support. People with higher levels of confidence are more likely to perceive psychological strain as less intense. Those who struggle to hold a strong sense of self-worth experience rejection and failure more acutely, which adversely impacts health by weakening immune support. The best way to prepare yourself for the hardships of life is by cultivating a strong self-image.

Live Better

Besides immune support, perhaps the most important effect of self-confidence on personal welfare is spiritual peace. Self-confidence is a manifestation of personal worth. Spending time second-guessing your career, relationships or identity is a surefire way to invite stress and pain into your life. The connection between mind and body is not something to ignore. Those who invest energy into developing self-worth will reap the rewards of a long, healthy life.

Feel confident in yourself by making both physical and mental health a priority. Results RNA formulas can help you achieve overall health and wellness. When your self-esteem and self-confidence increase, you’ll reap the benefits of a stronger immune system, stronger resolve to combat stress, and a stronger sense of peace.


  • https://www.courier-journal.com/story/sponsor-story/norton-healthcare/2015/06/09/norton-healthcare—health-self-confidence/28748637/
  • https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-squeaky-wheel/201306/does-self-esteem-function-emotional-immune-system
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5876785/

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