Health This Halloween

Health This Halloween

October is an exciting time of year! When Halloween rolls around, it is a time for jack-o-lanterns, goblins, candy, and trick or treating. Halloween is not necessarily known for being a great time to refocus and focus on new, healthy habits. When all you want to do is eat that delicious Halloween candy, take a step back and think about all the healthy options you have this fall. October is actually a great time to kickstart your goals and try a detox or cleanse.

The human body does a great job of removing toxins from your system. It naturally purges and neutralizes impurities from the colon, kidneys, and liver. However, due to an increasingly polluted environment, processed foods and chemicals surrounding us, the body’s ability to effectively detox itself has become strained. A detox can help provide vital support to your body’s natural cleaning process. With all the sweets that surround us, October is a great time to get started with a detox program.

Try a Halloween Detox this October

Many of us try to monitor our sugar intake and often limit the processed foods we eat. However, we do get busy and various stresses can cause us to feel run down. We often feel bloated, unhealthy, and tired. Especially around this time of year! If you are looking for some easy ways to improve your health while engaging in your Halloween festivities, follow the tips below:

  • Make sure to hydrate! If you are staying hydrated, you will be less likely to reach out for all that left over Halloween candy.
  • Enjoy the holiday. It is easy for us to let one bad day convince us that we are not able to hit our health goals. This is not true. You can still participate in all the festivities, eat some of that delicious Halloween candy and get right back on track the next day. Give yourself some grace, eat some candy and then bounce right back and focus on your detox!
  • Eat your fruits and veggies! By adding additional fruits and veggies into your holiday spread, you are making it easier to make healthy choices.
  • Add a detox supplement to your daily regimen. Try our Total Body Detox or the Ultimate Body Detox to help cleanse your body of free radicals and destructive toxins. By doing so, you are supporting your immune system and overall health.

Commit to your health this Halloween season! You can still have fun and enjoy the festivities while making healthy choices that will leave you feeling less bloated and feeling far more energetic and healthier than before.

For more information on our Total Body Detox and Ultimate Body Detox, please visit the following links:




  • https://healthykidsrunningseries.org/healthy-families/halloween-candy-detox/
  • https://bit.ly/3iM6Qby
  • https://reut.rs/3AsfF0r

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