How Does Stretching Help You Detox?

How Does Stretching Help You Detox?

Stretching helps you detoxify, as it improves the body’s ability to produce sweat. Sweating then flushes toxins from your system in a healthy and natural way.

Release Toxins

Stretching supports the circulatory system—the system responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells, and taking away wastes. When you stretch, the muscles are forced to relax, which makes room for blood flow. This allows the body to release lactic acid and other toxins through sweat. Improved circulation throughout the body makes it easier for your kidneys to eliminate waste products from your tissues.

Increased Intake Of Oxygenated Air

Your lungs also get a workout while you are breathing deeply during stretching. As this happens, more oxygen is pumped into your system, making every organ function more efficiently. This creates an internal cleansing effect that can help the body by flushing out harmful toxins that build up in your cells due to poor diet or lack of exercise.

Decrease Blood Pressure

Stretching helps the heart to pump blood more efficiently. As you stretch, you give your heart a break from pumping by slowing down your breathing. This allows for better circulation of oxygenated blood throughout the body, strengthening the heart over time.

Relieve Stress And Tension

Stress causes us to feel sluggish or lethargic. When we stretch, it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn relieves stress and tension. This allows the body to naturally destress and detoxify itself.

Stretching before bed also promotes restful sleep by keeping muscle tension low throughout the night. Stretching increases blood flow to all areas of your body, which also helps with detoxification.

We are all exposed to toxins in our daily lives and stretching is one way we can easily detoxify our bodies daily.

If you want to add a detox supplement to a stretching routine, Results RNA has several from which to choose.


  • https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/circulatory-system

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