Safe Detoxification for Everyone

We live in a fast-paced world that doesn’t always support good health. The food and air we breathe sometimes contain minuscule amounts of toxins and hard metals that make us sick. Toxins and heavy metals can build up in our bodies and cause long-term health problems.

In some instances, your body’s detoxifying mechanisms kick in and help you eliminate toxins and heavy metals. This is why we should keep organs like our kidneys and livers healthy, letting nature take its course. It is important to support your body’s detoxification processes by incorporating detox supplements into your routine. In some situations, you might need help getting your body’s detox system working. With a detox plan that includes ACS 200 Silver, you feel better and have more energy for your busy lifestyle.

What Is Detoxification?

Detox is a well-known word used frequently in our society to describe getting toxic elements out of our bodies. For example, some alcoholics go to medical facilities to detox alcohol out of their systems. Detoxifying toxins and heavy metals aren’t as painful or drastic as a rehab center stay. Instead, we use things like diet and supplements that help our bodies do their natural detoxifying work.

People need a quick-fix body detoxifying routine that is simple and provides results, but not immediate results. In fact, some detox plans are dangerous because they don’t use our body’s own defense systems as part of a healthy diet. For example, juicing is a trend that started decades ago when juicing machines gained popularity.

A Warning About Juicing: It Is Not a Permanent Solution and can be Dangerous.

The juicing craze started around fifty years ago when an entrepreneur opened a “juice bar” close to workout facilities in the Los Angeles area. In a matter of days, buzz about the health benefits of juicing started circulating in a society that already valued fitness and staying in shape.

Although squeezing and cold pressing juice from fruits and vegetables gives us vitamins and minerals, juicing eliminates fiber from a diet. Fiber helps our bodies regulate how we process sugar and helps us feel less hungry. In a matter of weeks, juicing turned into a weight loss craze that people still (falsely) associate with detoxification.

Juicing is not a proper detox. It is considered a crash diet. Juicing on its own can cause malnutrition, a condition that doesn’t take any toxins or heavy metals out of our bodies. You might lose weight, but you’ll likely still feel weighed down and bloated.

In fact, juicing can potentially put more toxins and heavy metals into your body if the fruits and vegetables contain them. Ironically, many of the heavy metals in our bodies come directly from fruits and vegetables.

A Better Way to Detox

You might have a sinking feeling at this point because you started a detox program that puts more heavy metals in your kids. Not to worry! We have a solution–an Ultimate Body cleanse from Results RNA. Our patented cellular silver supplements bond with toxins and heavy metals and then flushes them out with the help of our detoxifying organs.

Our patented ACS 200 Silver is safe for all ages because it supercharges our body’s natural way of flushing out heavy metals and toxins. ACS 200 Silver is one of three supplements in our Ultimate Detox plan. Together, the supplements help our own detoxifying organs work better with increased efficiency.

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