Secrets to Staying Healthy This Fall

Did you know that your immune response is less active during cold weather, leading to greater inflammatory responses, colds, and flu? We all know spa visits are important in fending off the blues in the cold season while keeping your skin looking great. But as you work on looking amazing this Fall, remember to focus on your immune support too!

Here are 5 Top Secrets to Keep your Body Healthy and Strong this Fall:

Stay Active Through Excercise

While staying indoors might be your natural response to avoiding foul weather, you must remain active to stay healthy. Exercise for a minimum of half an hour daily to boost your circulation, lower stress levels, and prevent weight gain. Regular exercise also gives your body much-needed immune support to prevent colds and flu.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Staying most of the cold season indoors is usually a recipe for binge eating and snacking on unhealthy and processed foods. However, your body needs a healthy diet more than ever before. Fresh fruits and vegetables are especially critical in providing immune support to your body, so make them a central part of your daily diet.

Hydrate With Healthy Fluids

It’s almost unnatural to drink lots of fluids in the cold season while trying to stay warm! Hot coffee, warm clothing, and central heating result in more sweating, which dehydrates your system. Your body needs plenty of fluids to keep your skin supple and radiant. Fresh juices and water are a must for healthy living this Fall season.

Supplement Your Diet

Keeping the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients is hard when you are stuck indoors. Studies show that modern supplements such as Results RNA ACS Silver 200 Extra Strength are more effective at boosting your immune system than traditional supplements and herbs. For more information on immune support, visit https://www.resultsrna.com/.

Get Enough Sleep

At least 7 hours of sleep daily are vital to keeping you healthy, stress-free, and strong. This Fall, maintain good sleeping habits by avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bedtime and reducing screen time which all interfere with sleep.

Staying healthy this Fall can be easy work. Stick to these five daily healthy habits and get through the season with a healthy body and mind.










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