Categories: Resteva

Stay Well-Rested this Holiday Season with Resteva

Stay Well-Rested this Holiday Season with Resteva

November and December are a busy time, full of festivities and holiday parties. It can be easy to become overwhelmed with your crazy holiday schedule, but it is very important to keep up with a normal sleep schedule, in order to keep your immune support high. We can often get too caught up in holiday activities, which can cause major disruptions to our sleep patterns. Professor Dorothy Bruck says that “while most people expect to feel more energized during their holidays, some paradoxically feel more tired.”

Make sure that you are giving yourself enough time to recoup and rest after all your holiday parties. Try Resteva Rx and the tips below, this holiday season, to promote a healthy sleeping pattern, while also enjoying all the festivities and keeping your immune system healthy.

Tips for a Healthy Sleep Schedule During the Holidays

Sleep is very important when dealing with the social challenges associated with holiday traditions. It can be hard to enjoy the holiday festivities when you are sleep deprived, and your body might need more sleep than usual this holiday season.

Avoid Stress

It is normal to be stressed about the holidays and the preparation that it involves. Stress can easily lower your immune support if you’re not careful. When you are feeling stressed this holiday season, give yourself some time to calm down. Read a book, take a hot shower, and rest. This ensures that you have an easier time falling asleep by helping the body and mind wind down before bed.

Turn off Electronics and Holiday Lights Before Bedtime

Sleep is important to many aspects of our health including immune support. So it is important to turn off your electronics before you go to bed. Electronics emit lights that our brain interprets as daylight. This interpretation can cause a delay in the production of sleep hormones which will make it harder to fall asleep. Holiday lights may also disrupt sleep, so it is best to turn them off right before you get in bed. Many experts say that sleeping in a completely dark room is the best for a deep, restful sleep, as well.

Avoid Excessive Snacking Before Bedtime

Late night snacking can make it harder for you to fall asleep at night. It is important to stay away from foods high in sugar and caffeine, especially after 3 p.m. Not only for sleep but for your immune support as well. Avoid eating heavy meals late at night, as it can cause discomfort, affecting your ability to sleep. Many doctors suggest eating your dinner at least three hours before you go to bed, giving your body proper time to prepare itself for sleep.

Sleep with Resteva Rx

If you have tried different sleeping routines and none of them seem to be working, consider using Results RNA’s Resteva Rx. This product is perfect for those who are looking for a deep, restful sleep that leaves you feeling energized in the morning. Gettting enough sleep will also help keep your immune system strong Resteva Rx comes in the form of a liquid shot, making it easy to take right before bed. When you are feeling overwhelmed this holiday season and are needing some additional help falling asleep, consider using Resteva Rx to induce a calming and refreshing sleep.

For more information, visit the Resteva Sleep page.


  • https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2013/sleephttps://academic.oup.com/sleep/article/44/9/zsab080/6270772
  • https://academic.oup.com/sleep/article/44/9/zsab080/6270772
  • https://www.vu.edu.au/about-vu/news-events/news/sleep-researcher-holidays-can-make-you-tired

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