Support Your Immune System Naturally

Support Your Immune System Naturally

A person’s immune system is made up of antibodies and proteins that fight foreign invaders and other irritants that are unfamiliar to the body and pose a threat to health.

Simple precautions like handwashing and social distancing are key when fighting invaders, but there is more you can do.

In addition to the well-known ones like exercising and eating healthy foods stacked full of vitamins, you can take a few other precautions such as boosting your immune system with a silver supplement.

Natural Immune Support

What do the healthiest people know? Silver is a vital, natural nutrient that should be supplemented regularly to maintain superior health. Natural minerals, such as silver, have been shown to be effective at boosting and maintaining your immune system.

Results RNA ACS 200 Silver Intra-oral spray is the perfect option to boost your immune system on a daily basis and is a safe and effective way to improve your health.Results RNA ACS Immune Shot is a one-ounce drinkable immune boost formula with powerful effect when you need it most.

The use of silver to protect your health dates back more than 2,000 years. It is present in whole grains, mushrooms, milk, spring water, seawater, and tap water. A multitude of uses of silver have been studied throughout history, including the purification of drinking water, addressing skin ailments, immune health support and its role in boosting immunity.

Benefits and Uses of Silver

In addition to the incredible immune support that ACS Silver provides, it also has a host of other benefits.

  1. Silver helps to maintain peak immune response.
  2. Silver boosts natural killer cells.
  3. Silver supports immune health.
  4. Silver enhances cytokine production, regulating the host defense and mediating the innate immune response.
  5. Silver promotes increased macrophage, T-cell and natural killer cell activity and longevity.
  6. Silver inhibits pathogen virulence.
  7. Silver interferes with pathogen replication cycle.
  8. Silver has been shown to affect both bacteriostatic and bactericidal immune response.
  9. Silver has been shown effective in spray, drink, and topical form.
  10. Silver supports the body’s natural detoxification process.

Silver holds so many benefits toward fighting invaders and pathogens naturally, and it’s becoming more and more popular as an alternative to more traditional health practices.

Keep your immune system boosted with Results RNA’s line of silver products.


  • https://www.verywellhealth.com/colloidal-silver-what-you-need-to-know-89555
  • https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/expert-answers/colloidal-silver/faq-20058061
  • https://www.pharmaca.com/projectwellness/colloidal-silver-for-immunity-and-healing/

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