Toxins and Chemicals in Personal Care Products

Toxins and Chemicals in Personal Care Products

Self-care is undoubtedly an essential part of our daily lives. However, some personal care products aren’t good for you. Choosing the right self-care products is crucial to avoid harmful chemicals that could impact your health slowly and unknowingly. Most personal care items contain toxic chemicals that can cause severe health problems such as cancer and endocrine issues. A body detox could help clean the toxins out.

Self-care products range from hygiene products like soaps to perfumes, tanning lotions, and cosmetics. The high number of personal care products contributes to toxic chemicals. Sunscreen with harmful chemicals will not cause lasting damage. However, using it over a long period can cause severe health issues. Use products from Results RNA to body detox and get rid of toxins.

What are Harmful Chemicals Contained in Personal Care Products?

Many chemicals go into personal care products. While most of these chemicals get regulated by the government, only a tiny percentage get scrutinized for product safety. Therefore, knowing what gets contained in your self-care products is critical.

Common highly toxic chemicals to refrain from include:

Heavy Metals like Lead and Mercury

Mercury is the most dangerous of all heavy metals. When it builds up to high levels in your system, it can lead to severe brain damage. Mercury gets found in Thimerosal, a common preservative.

Removing Parabens in a Body Detox

Parabens get in numerous forms and get contained in most personal care products. Because the skin absorbs them, they can disrupt hormone production, causing fertility. A body detox can remove these toxins.


Siloxanesget often used in stick moisturizers and deodorants. They are harmful to the environment and cause potential infertility. A body detox can help to prevent this from happening.


Formaldehyde gets commonly found in dyes, eyelash glue, and baby soap. It can cause cancer and immune-system toxicity.

The phrase “all-natural” may not mean anything since mercury occurs naturally. While avoiding harmful chemicals might be challenging, you can frequently body detox to flush out toxins and improve your quality of life. Results RNA can give you many different products to help your body detox journey.

Dev Dev:
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