8 Ways to Avoid Getting Sick, According to Harvard Health

The idea of strengthening your immune system has proved to be both elusive and intriguing, according to a recent study published by Harvard Medical School. Many people wonder if they are able to support their immune system and avoid getting sick. Despite not having all the answers to questions about our immune systems, Harvard Medical School argues that “general health-living strategies are a good way to start giving your immune system the upper hand.”

woman eats healthy fruit to boost her immune system and avoiding sicknessBy following these tips below, you are doing everything you can to support your immune system and avoid getting sick.

Here is what Harvard recommends to do in order to boost your immune system:

Add vegetables and fruits to your diet

By adding fruits and vegetables into your diet, you are making sure that you are properly nourished and providing your body with essential nutrients.

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. According to Harvard Health, “just like a healthy diet, exercise can contribute to general good health and therefore a healthy immune system.” Exercise also promotes good circulation, which improves the efficiency of your immune system.

Minimize stress

Scientists are still researching the relationship between stress and immune function. However, we do know that when you are stressed, your immune system can take a hit. When you have excessive stress, you can have low energy, insomnia, frequent colds, infections and headaches.

Do not smoke and only drink alcohol in moderation

According to the Harvard Health article, “Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults.”

Take supplements

If you think your diet is lacking nutrients, add supplements to your daily routine. Zinc and Vitamin D are great supplements to try when you are needing extra immune support.

Talk with your physician

Talk to your physician about what is beneficial for your health. While Harvard Health was specifically referring to elderly people taking this precaution, if you feel like your body is not responding well to something, it is better to discuss it early on.

Avoid infections

Make sure that you are washing your hands often and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze. If you do not have access to a tissue, use your elbow to decrease the likelihood of spreading germs. Avoid being around those that are sick as well.

Get enough sleep

The recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours nightly. When you do not get enough sleep, you will feel fatigued and groggy and are more prone to illness.

Sometimes it can seem like no matter what we do, we still get sick. Especially when the weather gets cold and everyone around you is coughing and struggling. Now that it is cold outside, you may find yourself in closer contact with people and the germs that inevitably come with them. However, living an overall healthy lifestyle by applying the principles mentioned can help you support your immune system and avoid getting sick this season.


  • https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/how-to-boost-your-immune-system
  • https://www.inc.com/melanie-curtin/7-easy-ways-to-boost-your-immune-system-according-to-harvard-health.html