How Results RNA’s Intra-oral Sprays Support Your Detox

Regular detox is necessary to keep our bodies healthy. You should make it as effective as possible during a body detox

Regular detox is necessary to keep our bodies healthy. You should make it as effective as possible during a body detox. One way to do so is to use detox supplements from Results RNA. There are two main types of detox supplements: capsules and Intra-oral sprays. An Intra-oral spray is a supplement that you spray directly into your mouth.

Intra-oral sprays are more effective at supporting your body detox in the following ways:

Increased Urinary Toxin Output

Though there is contention about whether you excrete toxins via sweat, there is certainty about urine being the primary form of toxin excretion. Intra-oral sprays, like ACZ Nano Zeolite from Results RNA, have been shown to increase urinary toxin output.

When you drink water, green tea, or other liquids during a body detox, your urine will have a particular percentage of toxins. Intra-oral sprays increase that percentage by a significant amount, meaning you remove more toxins from your body.

Therefore, Intra-oral sprays can improve the effectiveness of your body detox.

Higher Absorption

The main advantage Intra-oral sprays have over capsules and tablets is that they do not have to go through the gastrointestinal tract. Capsules must be digested before they can enter the bloodstream, which means they lose their potency and have a slow absorption rate.

On the other hand, Intra-oral sprays are directly absorbed by the body once you spray them into your mouth. They are fast and efficient as they promptly kickstart the body’s detoxification processes.

Intra-oral sprays are also easier to use and more convenient than other forms of supplementation. People can use them more often and get more help detoxing their bodies.

Intra-oral sprays from Results RNA have a higher absorption rate and increase the urinary output of toxins. Consider them for your next body detox and get better results.