Detox this Christmas

December is a great time of year! Many of us have plans with our family and are extremely busy, making it difficult to focus on our health. As you plan to travel this holiday, spend time with family, and double down on those wholesome meals, you need to remember to keep watch on your health. Participating in a body detox every once in a while this festive season will ensure you stay healthy even after. 

If you do not know how to follow a detox regimen this Christmas, follow these tips:

body detox


Keeping your body hydrated enables it to rid itself of pollutants and it energizes you. To help you stay hydrated during the day, keep a bottle with you throughout the day. A cup of fresh lemon water is a beautiful way to begin the day. It bolsters the immune system and aids in body detox. Another advantage of lemon water is that it controls metabolism and assists you in losing weight. 

Do Not Stop Exercising

Binge eating and heavy drinking can make you feel lethargic, and excessive drinking results in unpleasant hangovers. It is understandable that it would be difficult to keep to an exercise routine during the holidays.  Even if you cannot do strenuous routines, mild workouts are beneficial. Try taking a walk every day during the holidays. 

Detox with Results RNA’s Detoxification Supplements

Perhaps the best thing you can do for your overall health is to participate in a body detox. By flushing out the dangerous toxins that you consume, you will be left feeling your best. Use Results RNA’s Ultimate Body Detox and detox this Christmas.

Three significant technologies work in synergy to boost the immune system and remove harmful environmental toxins associated with suppressed immunity, unhealthy weight gain and oxidative stress.

ACS 200 Silver

Advanced Cellular Silver provides 200 parts per million uniquely energized silver molecules, enabling rapid absorption, exceptional immune support and profound cellular regeneration. ACS 200 Silver provides powerful immune system support.

ACG Glutathione

The leading antioxidant ACG Glutathione is the first GSH Intra-oral spray providing rapid absorption, unsurpassed anti-oxidation and improved cellular function. ACG Glutathione supports neutralization of free radicals, reduces oxidative stress and supports healthy detoxification.

ACZ Nano Zeolite

ACZ Nano Zeolite selectively binds and removes toxins safely and effectively. ACZ Nano Zeolite supports daily detoxification and has been shown in multiple case studies to effectively increase urinary output of toxins.


The festive season might make it hard for you to maintain a healthy regimen. However, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle as much as possible so that you do not have to compensate after the holidays. Using Results RNA supplements can help support your body detox journey.

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