How Does the Immune System Work?

The immune support system is the body’s first line of defense. It fights diseases and viruses and keeps our bodies healthy. Keep reading for an explanation of how the immune system works.

immune support

Parts of the Immune System

The immune system consists of several different parts that work together to fight off dangerous invaders. The different parts include:

  1. white blood cells (WBC)
  2. antibodies
  3. lymphatic system
  4. spleen

White Blood Cells (WBC)

Made in our bone marrow, white blood cells are the leading role players of the immune system. White blood cells form part of the lymphatic system. As stated in the name, white blood cells are in the blood and move throughout the body in search of foreign objects like viruses, bacteria, and diseases. The white blood cells will launch an immune attack on the foreign object upon finding any of these foreign objects.


Antibodies can recognize antigens on the surface of microbes and toxins. These antigens are the tell-tale signs that there’s a foreign object. The antibodies prepare for an attack on the toxins and microbes.

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system comprises lymph nodes, lymph fluid, lymph vessels, and, as mentioned before, white blood cells. The primary purpose of the lymphatic system is to:

  • Control the fluid levels in the body
  • Fight off disease/illness-causing substances
  • Reacting to bacteria
  • Absorb some fats from our intestines


The purpose of the spleen is to filter and clean blood, removing all detected microbes. The spleen also gets rid of old and damaged red blood cells. Finally, the spleen also makes antibodies and lymphocytes.

How Can You Give Your Immune System an Extra Boost?

We have gone over how the immune system works above. The immune system works to recognize any foreign substances in the body and gets rid of them. Once the antigens have been identified, B lymphocytes create antibodies that lock on to specific antigens. The antibodies will then remain in the body once they have been made, ready to fight the invader if it ever returns.

It is vital to give your immune system the boost it needs to function properly. Therefore, looking for an immune boost from healthy supplements is beneficial. Results RNA has the perfect product for this. We provide a range of immune support products such as:

Visit Results RNA for more information and products to boost your body’s health.