The History of Silver

The idea of using silver to provide valuable immune support, as well as a whole host of additional health benefits, is not a new one. Historical sources show that silver was used as far back as 4000 BC to treat various health conditions. Evidence points to the fact that ancient civilizations such as the Phoenicians, the Romans, and the Greeks used silver containers to transport water to reduce the risk of spoilage and enhance overall quality.

immune support

The Benefits of Silver Were Recognized in the Middle Ages

Providing powerful immune support, the properties of silver help to explain why it was a popular choice for plates, water carriers, and platters for those who could afford it. People knew that silver containers slowed down food spoilage and helped preserve water purity.

During this time, silver nitrate was widely used in monasteries to treat those feeling under the weather. 

Silver’s Continuing Role in 20th and 21st-Century

Although advances in modern medicine mean that silver is not the only option available for treating a wide range of conditions, the element, combined with other substances, continues to play a key role in medicine and well-being. The benefits that colloidal silver may bring to individuals are well-documented.

High-Quality Modern Colloidal Silver

Results RNA provides high-grade colloidal silver in various easy-to-use options. Whether you are looking for a suitable supplement to provide immune support or need a powerful boost, a high-grade, skillfully created silver compound could be the answer you need.

ACS 200 Silver

This essential immune boosting formula is recommended by doctors worldwide. Advanced Cellular Silver provides 200 parts per million uniquely energized silver molecules, enabling rapid absorption, exceptional immune support, and profound cellular regeneration. ACS 200 Silver provides powerful immune system support.

For more information on Results RNA’s ACS 200 Silver, please visit