Your Best Defense is a Strong Immune System

Your immune system is your first line of defense against illness. One way of boosting your immune system is consuming foods and supplements that boost the immune support system. CBD products can provide immune support by supplying essential nutrients, fats, and minerals.

How CBD Boosts the Immune Support System

CBD provides immune support by interacting with and enhancing the activities of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS regulates several functions that influence your mood, stress levels, sleep, thinking, and memory. CBD works by preventing endocannabinoids from breaking down, thereby boosting their potency.

immune support

Improving Sleep

One way of boosting your immunity is getting adequate sleep. Early research indicates that CBD can improve sleep. It works by regulating the sleep cycle and improving REM sleep to prevent poor sleep, nightmares, and daytime sleepiness.

Another mechanism through which CBD can boost sleep is by soothing pain. Chronic pain is a significant cause of sleep problems among people with arthritis. One review concluded that CBD could improve sleep by reducing pain and is safe for most users.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Chronic stress due to fear and anxiety can compromise your immune support system. Research suggests that CBD can improve sleep by reducing anxiety. It does this by calming the central nervous system and can benefit people with all forms of stress.

Combating Inflammation

CBD works as an immunosuppressant and can help people with autoimmune conditions manage their condition by reducing inflammation. One study found that it regulates hyperactive immune support systems by suppressing the production and inducing the death of various resistant cell types responsible for inflammation.


Whether you have a health condition or want to boost your immune support, Results RNA has the perfect CBD solution for you. Our pure CBD products are highly refined and range from oils to creams and gummies. You can use them to boost your immunity and replenish vital nutrients.